The 12 Best Ning Groups for Teachers to Join.
The 12 Best Ning Groups for Teachers to Join is a list of the best groups that are focused on teaching.
For educators, Ning is a fantastic social networking tool. Ning allows educators to create strong and effective personal learning networks where they may connect with other like-minded educators and extend their professional networks. There are a number of Ning communities dedicated to teachers. Here are a few of our personal favorites:
20. 1st class
This is a community-supported, free network for educators interested in Web 2.0, social media, and participatory technology. It has a membership of approximately 66.000 people from 188 countries.
Curriculum No. 2
This is another social networking site where educators from across the world may connect and exchange information and links on key educational issues.
3- The International Network of Education Conferences
This is a social networking site for those who are interested in global education. There are many tools and learning materials available, as well as the opportunity to participate in discussion groups and meet new instructors and educators.
4- Members of the ISTE Community
Among educators and instructors, this is one of the most popular organizations. Participants exchange educational web technology tools and debate current educational issues.
5- The Evolution of the Smart Board
This group, as its name indicates, is dedicated to anything related to smart board teaching and learning.
6- Educator 2.0
This is another another excellent Ning community for educators. It gives educators tools and ideas to utilize in the classroom.
7-Integrating Technology into Education
This is a site where you can receive advice and information about utilizing technology in education, as the name implies. You’ll also discover how other instructors use technology into their classrooms.
EFL Classroom #8 This is a fantastic group to join. Educators from all around the world collaborate to provide useful materials.
9- Education Beyond National Boundaries
Another excellent place to meet new educators and exchange resources for studying and teaching.
ten students twenty
This is a network that allows learners to interact with other learners and mentors from across the globe on their own time, and to enjoy educational experiences that transcend cultural and geographic barriers. 11- Education in the Future
Teachers may also be interested in joining this community. Educators have contributed a plethora of materials, connections, and ideas.
12- Teach the Textbook
This is an online professional network for teachers where they may interact with one another, create, share, and search a database of lesson plans and instructional videos produced by other instructors.
The acsd is a group of educators on the social network, Ning. It has been around for many years and has a large following.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best teacher organization to join?
The best teacher organization to join is the American Federation of Teachers.
What are the professional societies that teacher can join?
There are a few professional societies that teachers can join. They include the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, and the American Educational Research Association.
What is a professional organization for teachers?
The National Education Association is the professional organization for teachers in the United States.
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- professional bodies for teachers
- what is teacher organization
- international teachers union
- american teachers association
- professional learning for educators