The world is facing a serious environmental crisis. We are quickly running out of resources and we need to take drastic measures to protect our planet. Our children will inherit the earth, but if we don’t do something now, they won’t have one left.
The essay on save the nature for students & children in simple english is a 150-word essay that discusses how we can save our environment.
What exactly is nature?
Plants, creatures, animals, and people of various types that are all god-given and not man-made. All natural creatures have been created by God.
The Importance of Preserving Nature
Nature is our defender, providing a variety of food, water, and many other things that cannot be explained. Without woods, rocks, animals, fruits, and trees, the environment would be devoid of beauty.
If we continue to pollute the environment, we shall soon come to an end.
We must constantly take precautions to preserve our environment; pollution and contamination levels must be kept under control; this is the duty of people who utilize nature on a regular basis.
Environment Protection

Earth is our home, and we must maintain it clean, which is everyone’s duty.
Humans are the only creatures that not only utilize but also destroy nature, and they are unconcerned about the damage.
Plants and different kinds of animals are being destroyed as a result of man-made factors that pollute the planet, and people are suffering from numerous health issues as a result of their karma.
Because of the increasing pollution component in the globe, the ozone layer is experiencing numerous dangerous changes, causing animals, plants, and creatures to be assessed and killed.
Humans are chopping down trees, but they never consider the future or future generations, and what they will see. Humans are greedy, and they just think about themselves.
Global warming is occurring on a regular basis, but no one seems to notice. They are unconcerned about the environment in which they live, preferring instead to focus on keeping their homes clean.
They seldom consider the fact that the soil is the original home of all living things. Global warming is wreaking havoc on different parts of the globe.
Natural Resources Are Being Wasted

Because water resources are becoming more scarce, it is our responsibility to conserve it.
Water is needed in every living thing’s existence since we can’t live without it, yet we can go a day without food, which is the difference between food and water.
All living creatures need water, but humans are the ones who never think about water waste and foolishly squander it as they want.
When there is a scarcity of water in the nation, this will become apparent.
We are just acquiring different types of illnesses as a result of the pollution of the water, and these diseases are killing us.
There are only those things that nature can provide and for which we have no responsibility.
Sunlight is one of those sources that is freely accessible but is never used by people.
Solar energy is a source of energy that is available all around the globe, but which we often overlook.
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The save earth save environment essay is an essay on saving the nature for students and children. It is in simple English so that everyone can understand it.
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How can you protect our environment as a student?
There are many ways to protect the environment. One way is to reduce your carbon footprint by not wasting resources. Another way is to reuse materials that would otherwise be thrown away, such as aluminum cans. A third way is to recycle paper and plastics when youre done with them.